Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SQL Server Startup Parameters

Hi, Every now and then we all have to reread something we may already know because frankly if you are like me, you can’t keep everything in your head. I tend to go back over tips and tricks and even database concepts when I have time so I will maybe remember enough about it so when a problem arises I at least know where to go look and find the answer. It is with, that I want to write about my latest re-education attempt.

I am working with a SQL Server database and something went wrong. Yea I know how weird nothing ever goes wrong with SQL Server or any other product out there. While this particular article is not about rebuilding or restoring a master database, it is about something that a lot of DBAs overlook startup parameters. 

SQL Server allows you to control a few of its configurable options during startup with the use of startup parameters. These parameters are usually useful for troubleshooting purposes – usually in case of extreme emergencies, but they can also be useful for some long-term configuration changes as well. Before we go any further, I want to add a little warning here – do not learn about startup parameters on any SQL Server installation that you are not willing to completely rebuild. It is possible to set a parameter and cause serious problems that may affect your installation, like setting the location of the master database to a false one.
You have two easy ways to set the startup parameters in a SQL Server installation. The first is from the command line by using the sqlservr.exe parameter command. This way is useful for those emergencies in which you have to start SQL Server in single user mode or with minimal configurations. The second method is by using Enterprise Manager and the startup parameters dialog box. This method is great for long-term parameter requirements like the locations of the master database data and log files and the location of the error logs. 

To change a parameter through the Enterprise Manager:
  • Open Enterprise Manager and right click on a registered installation.
  • Click Properties.
  • Click the Startup Parameters button.
  • Add your new parameters or remove an existing one. Be careful not to remove the default parameters that give the locations of the master database, the master database log, and the error logs unless you provide an alternate location.
If you take a look at the startup parameters dialog box, will see there are a few default parameters that are part of every SQL Server installation:
 -d master_data_file_path,
 -l master_log_file_path, and
 -e error_log_path.

You can use these default parameters to change the locations of the master database file, the master database log file, or SQL Server error logs. I would not do this unless you have a problem with the default location’s drive or if the master database or error logs outgrow their current directories and you need to move them to another drive. If you are simply moving the master database data file or log file to another location, then you can change the parameter from Enterprise Manger before you stop the instance. If you are moving the file because of a problem, stop the instance and use the sqlservr.exe command to restart the instance pointing to the new data file or log file location.

SQL Server does have a few optional startup parameters that you can set to help troubleshoot your installation or make some minor performance optimizations. 

-c  Shortens SQL Server’s startup time by starting the instance independent of the Service Control Manager. Starting SQL Server independent of the Service Control Manager will keep if from running as a Windows service. I have not had the need to use this parameter so I can only guess that it could be useful for troubleshooting startup issues.

-f  This parameter starts an instance of SQL Server with the minimal configurations and enables the sp_configure allow updates option. This parameter is very useful if a configuration option is set that disables SQL Server. You can use this parameter to start SQL Server and change the inappropriate configuration setting back to the original.

-g  This parameter will specify the amount of virtual address space that SQL Server will leave available for memory allocations within the SQL Server process, but outside the SQL Server memory pool. What does that mean? This memory allocation outside of the SQL Server memory pool is used for loading times such as extended stored procedures, dll files, OLE DB providers referenced by queries, and automation objects reference in Transact-SQL statements. The default size of this memory is 128 MB, which is usually fine for most SQL Server installations. Keep in mind that SQL Server installations under 2 GB (SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition) or 3 GB (Enterprise Edition) will only use 128 MB no matter what size you set with the -g parameter. You can however, use this parameter to optimize the memory on installations above the 2 GB and 3 GB cutoffs. Microsoft recommends that you do not use this parameter unless you see the following error in your error log.
WARNING: Clearing procedure cache to free contiguous memory
However, I have used this and seen others use this parameter for errors such as:
OLE DB provider ‘SQLOLEDB’ reported an error. The provider ran out of memory.

-m  This parameter may be one of the most used, especially if you are studying for the SQL Server tests. The 
-m  parameter will start SQL Server in the single user mode and enable the sp_configure allow updates configuration option. Starting SQL Server in the single user mode does not issue a CHECKPOINT command. This parameter allows you work on your system databases if you encounter a problem with one of them. If you ever have to rebuild your master database you will be familiar with this parameter.

-n  This parameter turns off SQL Server logging its errors to the Windows application log. It is recommended that if you use this parameter you should also use the -e startup parameter, which you should be doing anyway. This is another parameter that I have not used and personally, I would not recommend turning off the Windows application logging.

-s  This parameter is used to start a named instance of SQL Server. Without the use of this parameter, SQL Server will try to start the default instance, which may or may not be present or the one you want to start.
/Ttrace# Used to start a Trace Flag when you start SQL Server. This parameter is useful for general troubleshooting purposes.

-x  This parameter will disable the keeping of the CPU time and CACHE-HIT ratio statistics. While this parameter allows maximum performance, I do not use it as the benefits of the CACHE-HIT ratio outweigh the small performance gain this parameter buys you. 

A quick guide to the startup parameters found in SQL Server that you could use for those extreme emergencies. Most of the time, you will not have to use these parameters but they are nice to know for that rare instance that you have system database problems or when you need to start a Trace Flag.

Note:- Hi readers, If you found this post is useful / save your precious time kindly give your feed back in comment box.


How to unprotect Excel Sheet with Macro

 The AllInternalPasswords Macro
This macro, for which the true origin is lost in antiquity, will unlock all the internal passwords in your workbook. It will report which password strings worked (so that if you have other workbooks by the same author, you can try it on them), but it will NOT report the original password (it can't - it's never stored - only the hash is saved in the file). I first saw it in a post by Bob McCormick. Norman Harker did an outstanding job in modifying it for workbook as well as worksheet protection. we mostly cleaned it up and made it a bit more efficient.
It shouldn't take more than a few seconds (certainly less than a minute) to find each password if you have a relatively up to date computer.
Working passwords will be returned in the form
where the first 11 characters will be As or Bs and the X represents a character from ASCII 32 (" " or space) to ASCII 126 ("~", or tilde). While the sheet or workbook will automatically be unprotected, the macro suggests you write this code down, not only for future use, but, people being creatures of habit, it may work on another sheet/workbook by the same author. Again, since it's not returning the original password, it's unlikely to be useful in breaking file or VBA project passwords.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that breaking password protection MAY violate laws or regulations in your jurisdiction. In the United States (currently) it is certainly OK to break password protection on sheets that you developed for your personal use, or for which you have permission from the author or owner. It's probably OK if you own the workbook, even if it was written by someone else. But neither Norman nor I are intellectual property lawyers in ANY jurisdiction, so, if in doubt, ask the original author, and if you can't ask - don't use it!


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Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to Restore Deleted files from Network Drive

You may have noticed that when you delete a file stored on a network location or mapped network drive that the file is permanently deleted. It does not go to the local computer's recycle bin and does not go to the server's recycle bin. I have discovered a work-around that extends recycle bin coverage to include mapped network drives. The solution is not 100% perfect, but works extremely well and does not rely on Shadow Copies or 3rd-party software.

Here's how:
1. Map a network drive to the network share you want to use. Make sure that the drive is re-connected on logon. If you don't know how to do this, search Google.
2. Browse to C:\users\<user name>.
3. Right-click on one of the folders in this location (I chose saved games) and click properties.
4. Select the Location tab.
5. Click Move, browse to to root of the drive you mapped in step 1, and click Select Folder.
6. Click Ok and click yes in the dialogue box that appears.
7. Repeat these same steps for all users on the computer.

You can now verify that the network drive is protected by the recycle bin by right-clicking on the recycle bin and clicking properties. The network drive should be listed in the Recycle Bin Locations column.

Some warnings:
1. This only protects files accessed through the mapped network drive, and not by UNC paths. So for example, if you mapped \\server\share to z:, and delete something off the z drive, it will go to the recycle bin. However, if you browse to \\server\share and delete a file, it will be deleted directly.
2. I don't know what will happen if your network drive is not available, so beware. This may not work well with laptops.
3. What ever files that were supposed to be stored in the folder you select in step 3 will now be stored on your mapped network drive by default. This can actually be quite useful.

Feel free to post you opinion about this post. 


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