Full Back up:
A complete backup of everything
you want to backup.
Restoration is fast, since you
only need one set of backup data.
The backing up process is slow.
High storage requirements. |
Differential Backup:
The backup software looks at which
files have changed since you last did a full backup. Then creates copies of
all the files that are different from the ones in the full backup.
If you do a differential backup more than once, it will copy all the files, or parts of files that have changed since the last full backup, even if you already have identical copies of those files in a previous differential backup. For restoring all the data, you will only need the last full back up, and the last differential backup. |
Faster to create than a full
Restoration is faster than using incremental backup. Not as much storage needed as in a full backup. |
Restoration is slower than using a
full backup.
Creating a differential backup is slower than creating an incremental backup. |
Incremental Backup:
The backup software creates copies
of all the files, or parts of files that have changed since previous backups
of any type (full, differential or incremental).
For example if you did a full back up on Sunday. An incremental backup made on Monday, would only contain files changed since Sunday, and an incremental backup on Tuesday, would only contain files changed since Monday, and so on. |
This method is the fastest when
creating a backup.
The least storage space is needed. |
Restoring from incremental backups
is the slowest because it may require several sets of data to fully restore
all the data. For example if you had a full backup and six incremental
backups. To restore the data would require you to process the full backup and
all six incremental backups.
It back up the changes that happened from last full backup.
sun mon Tue wed Thu
full diff diff diff restore requested
file1,file2,file3 file4 file4,5 file4,5,6 last full and last diff will restore(file1,2,3,4,5,6)
Sunday we have full backup and had 3 files(file1,2,3)
Monday we scheduled differential backup and the change is a new file4 is added and backup the change(file4).
Tuesday we have diff back up again and there is new file5 and changes since last full backup are file4,5 and those
would be backed up.
Wednesday we have diff back up again and there is new file6 and changes since last full backup are file4,5,6 and
those would be backed up.
Whenever there is a restore request on Thursday we can actually consider a recent full and differential backup
which recovers all the files as shown.
Easy while restoring.
Takes long time to backup.
Costing for the storage media as the data would be little bigger.
It back up the changes that happened from last backup (full or differential).
sun mon Tue wed Thu
full incr incr incr restore requested
file1,file2,file3 file4 file5 file6 last full and all incremental backups are needed for restore
Sunday we have full backup and had 3 files(file1,2,3)
Monday we scheduled incremental backup and the change is a new file4 is added and backs up the change(file4).
Tuesday we have incremental back up again and there is new file5 and changes since last backup are file5 and those
would be backed up.
Wednesday we have incremental back up again and there is new file6 and changes since last backup are file6 and
those would be backed up.
Whenever there is a restore request on Thursday we can actually consider recent full and all incremental backups
It back up the changes that happened from last full backup.
sun mon Tue wed Thu
full diff diff diff restore requested
file1,file2,file3 file4 file4,5 file4,5,6 last full and last diff will restore(file1,2,3,4,5,6)
Sunday we have full backup and had 3 files(file1,2,3)
Monday we scheduled differential backup and the change is a new file4 is added and backup the change(file4).
Tuesday we have diff back up again and there is new file5 and changes since last full backup are file4,5 and those
would be backed up.
Wednesday we have diff back up again and there is new file6 and changes since last full backup are file4,5,6 and
those would be backed up.
Whenever there is a restore request on Thursday we can actually consider a recent full and differential backup
which recovers all the files as shown.
Easy while restoring.
Takes long time to backup.
Costing for the storage media as the data would be little bigger.
It back up the changes that happened from last backup (full or differential).
sun mon Tue wed Thu
full incr incr incr restore requested
file1,file2,file3 file4 file5 file6 last full and all incremental backups are needed for restore
Sunday we have full backup and had 3 files(file1,2,3)
Monday we scheduled incremental backup and the change is a new file4 is added and backs up the change(file4).
Tuesday we have incremental back up again and there is new file5 and changes since last backup are file5 and those
would be backed up.
Wednesday we have incremental back up again and there is new file6 and changes since last backup are file6 and
those would be backed up.
Whenever there is a restore request on Thursday we can actually consider recent full and all incremental backups
Which recovers all the files as shown.
Backup time would be less as we backup little changes.
Low costing on tapes as there is little backup.
Restore is difficult as we need all tapes from last full backup and all incremental backups.
Backup time would be less as we backup little changes.
Low costing on tapes as there is little backup.
Restore is difficult as we need all tapes from last full backup and all incremental backups.
Related To :- Backup
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