Thursday, August 25, 2016

useful commands-Fortinet Firewall-Part 2

Viewing and clearing a DHCP lease is a function you may need to often perform. 
The DHCP option is located in different areas of the GUI depending on the firmware version you are running.
The below commands allows you to view and clear a DHCP lease through the CLI.

exec dhcp lease-list –> show current list on DHCP lease
execute dhcp lease-clear <ip_addres> –> clear the DHCP lease of a specific ip
execute dhcp lease-clear all 
—> clear all the DHCP leases


Thursday, July 14, 2016

The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped

Last day I had faced issue on SQL Server Login. I was trying to remove the login from database but every single time I was getting error and was not able to remove the user.

How to resolve following error.

The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15138)

I was searching on google and find the solution. Here is the quick workaround to the issue. The reason for error is quite clear from the error message as there were schema associated with the user and that needs to be transferred to another user.

Workaround / Resolution / Fix:

Let us assume that i was trying to delete user which is named as ‘tester’ and it exists in the database ‘Testdb’.

Now run following script with the context of the database where user belongs.

USE Testdb;
FROM sys.schemas s
WHERE s.principal_id = USER_ID('tester');

In my query I get following two schema as a result.

two schema name "tqd" and "cls" 

Now let us run following query where I will take my schema and and alter authorization on schema. In our case we have two schema so we will execute it two times.


Now if you drop the database owner it will not throw any error.

Here is generic script for resolving the error:

FROM sys.schemas s
WHERE s.principal_id = USER_ID('youruserid');

 Now replace the result name in following script:


Thanks to pinal dave for such a good article.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Fortigate Firmware upgrade Process On HA

Recommend before the upgrade:
1) Check the release notes for supported upgrade path, special notices, product integration, known issues and limitations if any.
2) Backup configuration before and after each upgrade.
3) Plan a maintenance window for the upgrade.
3) Have some one available on the remote site in case something went wrong during the upgrade.
4) Make sure check sum is matching between cluster members using the following CLI commands:
# get sys ha status 
# diag sys ha showcsum
# execute ha manage <Slave ID>   <<-- could be 0 or 1, check "get sys ha status" results
$ diag sys ha showcsum
$ exit
The results of "diag sys ha showcsum" should be the same on all levels (all/global/vdoms)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Windows Time Service Issue

I just wanted to make a statement regarding the time service registry entries. There really is no need to modify the time service registry entries. The time service works by default, out of the box. The only thing that’s recommended to do, is synchronize the PDC Emulator in the forest root domain to a reliable outside source. That’s it.
I’m stating this because based on numerous public postings regarding corrupted time service settings due to attempts at changing registry entries because it was thought that’s how it’s done, is usually the culprit that corrupted the time service settings. The time service should only be configured using the w32tm utility.
If there are any problems with corrupted settings, and it’s not working properly, I would suggest to simply reset the time service itself (stated in the “To Reset the Time service” section below), by simply running the following commands:
If you’ve experimented changing time settings to unknowlingly avert default behavior, you can set the time settings back to default:
1. On the DC that you’re experiencing issues with, run the following in a command prompt:
  •  net stop w32time
  •  w32tm /unregister
  •  w32tm /register
  •  net start w32time
2. On the Server in question (whether it’s the PDC Emulator or another server), run the following in a command prompt: 
  • “net time /setsntp: ” (Note the blank space prior to the end “)  [This tells the client (whether a DC or workstation) to delete the current registry settings for time and use default settings.]
  • Restart the time service:  Net stop w32time && net start w32time
3. On the PDC Emulator run the following in a command prompt:
  • W32tm /config / /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update
  •  W32tm /resync /rediscover
  • Restart the time service: net stop w32time && net start w32time
4. On each DC that are not holding the PDC Emulator role, run the following in a command prompt:
  • w32tm /config /syncfromflags:domhier /update
  •  W32tm /resync /rediscover
  • Restart the time service: net stop w32time && net start w32time
5. This will take out any errors in the Event Viewer, if there are any.
.The only real time that you may have to configure it is only with the assistance of Microsoft Support.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Boot from ISO image failed on Generation 2 VM in Hyper V

Generation 2 virtual machines in Hyper-V talks booting from CD/DVD. It’s not specific to Hyper-V, it’s more about PCAT and EFI, and the way in which Windows installation media is built.
Try the following – create a new generation 1 and generation 2 VMs with blank VHDXs, setting them both to boot from Windows 8 64-bit .ISO media, and start them.
Here’s what you’ll see in a generation 1 virtual machine (or PCAT physical system)
And here’s what you’ll see in a generation 2 virtual machine (or EFI physical system)

Before anyone comments, yes, Microsoft acutely aware that the generation 2 EFI boot loader messages persist on the screen and it can be a little confusing. Essentially what the generation 2 virtual machine did was:
  • Attempt to boot from the CD SCSI device containing the Windows 8 ISO. This is where the ‘Press any key…’ message came from. As no key was pressed, we went to the next boot entry. (And this is where we didn’t clear the message from the EFI CD boot loader)
  • I didn’t press F12 (in fact, this VM wasn’t connected to a network), so network boot failed
  • The SCSI VHDX is raw with no partitioning or file system, so this too failed
So why did the generation 1 virtual machine start setup from the Windows media? The answer is simply that it’s the way Windows media is built, and it’s inconsistent between the PCAT and EFI loaders.
However, it’s relatively simple to solve if you want to avoid the press any key message. In fact, we almost have all the pieces from previous parts. In particular, part 4 where we injected keyboard drivers into the Windows 8 media.
If you loopback mount Windows 8 or 8.1 RTM media, and navigate to the \efi\microsoft\boot directory, you will see there are two versions of cdboot.efi

The default version, cdboot.efi prompts for a keypress. The unused version, cdboot_noprompt.efi doesn’t prompt.
So it’s fairly simple to create modified media which uses the noprompt version. First, copy the contents of the ISO to a working directory, rename cdboot.efi to cdboot_prompt.efi, and rename cdboot_noprompt.efi to cdboot.efi.

Do the same with efisys.bin and efisys_prompt.bin

Then re-use our oscdimg command (in an elevated deployment and imaging tools environment) from part 4 to recreate the media.

you can download oscdimg from below Link

if you receive ERROR: With -u2, cannot use -n, -nt, -d, -j1, -j2, or -oi

just  skip -n


 d:\Software>oscdimg  -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"D:\Software\win2012nop
efisys.bin" "D:\Software\win2012noprompt" C:\Working\WIN2012noprompt.iso

Simply attach this modified media to the generation 2 VM and restart it (and don’t press any keys, not that you will be prompted.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Find the ErrorLog path in SQL Server 2012 through Query

One other way, that we could get the path of the ErrorLog  in SQL Server 2012,when the SQL Server service is running  is through this DMV.  we can find out the Error Log Path.

SELECT is_enabled,[path],max_size,max_files

Executing this DMV will give valuable information about the ErrorLog  like
  •  Path indicating the location of the diagnostic logs.
  •  Maximum size in megabytes to which each of the diagnostic logs can grow.
  •  Maximum number of diagnostic log files that can be stored on the computer before they are recycled for new diagnostic logs.
  •  If logging is enabled or not.

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